Vodorovná vyvrtávačka desková

W 200 HE CNC

Inv. číslo:504974
Kategorie:Vodorovná vyvrtávačka > desková
Typ:W 200 HE CNC
Rok výroby:1992
Rok GO:2015

Průměr pracovního vřetena : 200 mm

Osa X : 12 400 mm

Osa Y : 3000 mm

Maximálny výsuv vretene : 2600 mm

Maximálny výsuv pinoly : 1600 mm

Rozmery prierezu pinoly vretene : 520 x 520mm

Otáčky vretene plynule : 1,5 – 900ot.min-1

Kužel upinani : ISO 50

Stol otocny: ISO 40 NC : 3500 x 3000 mm

Doskove pole, frezovaci hlavy :

Popis:SK: Stroj v dobrom technickom stave.K stroju doskove pole, otocny stol SKODA SAE 35 NC(3500x3000mm),2 ks frezovacie hlavy.
Riadiaci systemCNC Siemens.Modernizacia 2015:
EN: Good technical condition.
Rotary table Skoda ISO 40 NC clamping surface 3000x3500, table movement=1 230, max. payload 40 000kg, 2 milling heads,Floore plates
Machine has been regularly maintained every year, in last 2 years following has been modernized:
1. new Heidenhain linear scales for X a Y axis, with new cabling, precision setting with laser measurement
2. new telescopic covers of X axis
3. completely overhauled milling head with new gears, bearings, paint...
4. new pneumatic clamping units for all axis
5. new switchers of pneumatic circuit
6. machine geometry measuring and setting
7. scheduled is overhaul of rotation and feed gearbox of rotary table, will be executed soon after delivery of all spare parts